Saturday, August 22, 2009

Congresswoman Halvorson

I was invited to an informal meeting today at the Grundy County administration building with U.S. Congresswoman Halvorson. The Mayors of Grundy County were concluding their meeting with her as I arrived and I was the only Superintendent there (two more came as I was leaving) and it gave me a chance to have a great discussion about the Federal Government and education- particularly the use of Stimulus funds and the new push called Race to the Top.

Halvorson made it clear right away that when the House authorized stimulus money be earmarked for education- it needed to go directly to the schools- instead- it goes to each State. Of course- Illinois uses stimulus money to plug the huge hole in the state budget- they use it to send schools like MCHS General State Aid- which we rely on heavily.

I was struck by how little influence the House had over the Senate's push to send this money to State's- we need this money to help cover the costs of numerous unfunded mandates- in particular- the cost of special education. 15% of our education fund costs are used for special education and these costs continue to increase- particularly for students placed in residential care facilities.

I am hopeful that the Federal government can regain a balance between the test driven requirements of NCLB and increase their support for vocational education- and help all schools meet the needs of students.

It is obvious that our lawmakers don't trust many local educational institutions- that was why it was easier to give the stimulus funds to each Governor (and they trust them more why?) instead of local schools- we need to turn this around!!

I enjoy the Congresswoman's energy and passion for what she does- I hope she can make a difference and represent the needs of this area- this meeting was a step in the right direction.

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