Friday, September 25, 2009

"Start Me Up"

Wow- the start of a new school year still brings a high level of excitement and energy- and a ton of work!! The Rolling Stones song "Start Me Up" captures the current climate at MCHS- a lot of activities and great opportunities for our students.

On Monday morning- the program Rachel's Challenge will be presented. This is a highly acclaimed presentation with a powerful message about the impact of "acts of kindness" and will surely be a great experience for our students and community. Check out our website at for more information.

The Board of Education approved the strategic plan that was developed in August. You can view this plan at>>Superintendent (Click on Board of Education Strategic Plan)
These goals help form the basis of each administrators action plan for the year and help shape the department goals as well.

MCHS has introduced a "redesigned" cooperative education program under the guidance of Business Department Chair Mrs. Barb Rath. 19 various local businesses and agencies have partnered with our school to provide internship opportunities for over 20 Morris High School seniors. These opportunities should prove valuable in preparing those students to enter "life after high school". So far, the program is off to a good start!

Last evening, parents came out in solid numbers for parent/teacher conferences. It is a great time for me to meet new parents and visit with those I already know. MCHS is fortunate to have a high level of parent support and we look forward to any feedback parents may have on this process. Mr. Hussey has implemented a parent appointment process that seems to be effective. I heard a lot of positive feedback on the process from those in attendance.

And finally the "Pinwheels for Peace" project put on by Mrs. Tesdal and the Art department was a real hit! It is always great to partner with the feeder schools and get high school and elementary students working together. I know as I made my pinwheel, it caused me to reflect on the importance of getting along, the current conflicts that are taking place around the world, and how lucky we are in this country to have the freedoms we so often take for granted.

The year is in full swing and off to a great start!!!

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